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Lakshana and Lakshya: A contested relationship

Date: 23.12.2024 – Monday – 8.05 – 9.35 a.m.

Speaker : Vidvan Bharath Sundar, Vidvan G Ravikiran and Vidushi Sriranjani Santhanagopalan

Title : Lakshana and Lakshya: A contested relationship


This panel discussion will delve into the nuanced relationship between Lakshana and Lakshya, exploring their interdependence and evolution over time. Key themes include:

  • The progression from raga Lakshana granthas to notation-based books, and eventually to modern recordings and live-streamed performances.
  • The impact of detailed documentation on precision versus interpretative flexibility.
  • Technological advancements, venues, amplification, and their influence on the practical application of Lakshana.
  • Variations in Lakshana across regional traditions and schools of thought.
  • The role of voice production, gamaka handling, and lyrics in shaping raga Lakshana.
  • The ongoing debate on standardization versus flexibility in defining Lakshana, particularly in terms of arohanam-avarohanam structures.
  • The risks of oversimplification when categorizing artists as Lakshya- or Lakshana-focused.
  • Strategies to harmonize tradition with creativity, ensuring a symbiotic relationship between Lakshana and Lakshya.