Vidwan K.S. Kalidas and Vidushi Palkulangara K. Ambika Devi, were conferred the Sangita Kala Acharya awards by the Music Academy, Chennai, during its Sadas organized in the evening on 1st January 2024. The citation, and medal were presented to the awardees by the chief guest, former Bengal Governor Gopalkrishna Gandhi who presided over the Sadas of the 97th annual conference and concerts.
The Citation for Vidwan K.S. Kalidas was read out by Vice President of the Academy, N. Gopalaswami.
The Citation for Vidushi Palkulangara K. Ambika Devi was read out by Vice President of the Academy, S. Santhanakrishnan.
Tavil Vidwan Tirunageswaram T.R. Subramaniyan and Othuvar B. Sargurunathan, were honoured with the TTK Awards of the Music Academy, Chennai, during its Sadas organized in the evening on 1st January 2024. The citation, and certificate were presented to the awardees by the chief guest, former Bengal Governor Gopalkrishna Gandhi who presided over the Sadas of the 97th annual conference and concerts.
The Citation for Vidwan Tirunageswaram T.R. Subramaniyan was read out by the Music Academy Treasurer, V. Balasubramanian.
The Citation for Othuvar B. Sargurunathan was read out by the Secretary of the Music Academy Dr. Meenakshi (Sumathi) Krishnan.
Vidwan Dr. Arimalam S. Padmanabhan, was presented the Musicologist Award by the Music Academy, Chennai, during its Sadas organized in the evening on 1st January 2024. The citation, medal and certificate were presented to him by the chief guest, former Bengal Governor Gopalkrishna Gandhi who presided over the Sadas of the 97th annual conference and concerts.
The Citation for Dr. Arimalam S. Padmanabhan was read out by the Secretary of the Music Academy V. Sriram.