The Academy’s mini hall is housed in a building named after Kasturi Srinivasan, former editor of The Hindu and for long Vice President of the Music Academy. The Kasturi Srinivasan Building constructed in 1982, houses an auditorium, library, committee room and recording rooms. The auditorium, referred to as the Mini Hall, has a seating capacity of 225 and is used for the Academy’s lecture demonstrations, and is a perfect venue for performances that have a small audience. Lifts and ramps provide easy access to the hall, which is on the first floor.
In the past few years, this mini-auditorium has been completely transformed into a state of the art venue for performances. This was made possible thanks to the donors, among whom special mention must be made of the Shiv Nadar Foundation, which made the single largest donation the Academy has thus far received in its history. Shri Brahmal Vasudevan has also been most generous with his donation as has Shri PT Krishnan, architect, who has rendered his services pro bono for the entire refurbishment.